This Transfronteriza Life

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This Transfronteriza Life


Homie House Press 
manifesto No. 1
edition of 25
architectural blueprint
18 x 24 inches

Limited Edition
Accessible Edition

THIS TRANSFRONTERIZA LIFE is the first of a three-part-series of manifestos explaining the stance and purpose of Homie House Press. This first piece focuses on the space we so often talk about and find ourselves navigating through - the in-between.

It’s been three years since we launched our platform. We feel now is a good time to claim the space we have created and state clearly who we are, and why we are here. There are two more pieces in the process of being created. Check back here soon for the full series.

This Transfronteriza Life was created in Chicago, IL at the Blueprint Residency, on an architectural blueprinting machine. With each purchase of a poster, we will send you a small zine, made by the founder of the residency that highlights the story of our time spent making this very project. Jordan Knecht runs the residency from his home. To learn more about the residency, visit the website:

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